At Sams & DeGough Engineers, our team is dedicated to building client relationships and providing creative design solutions engineered to meet the unique needs of each project. With a strong focus on delivering exceptional quality in our contract documents, we have successfully completed thousands of projects during our careers.

“In the management of our projects, we have found Sams & DeGough Engineers to offer input that is authoritative, collected, and professional in every instance.”
— Jay Million, Million Architecture, PLLC
“N3D has worked with Logan and Aaron on several projects over the last few years. They are experienced, diligent, and deliver documents on time. Further, their coordination and communication during design and construction is excellent. They are a joy to work with!”
— Aaron Hall, PE, N3D Group Consulting Engineers
“Sams & DeGough Engineers are our preferred structural engineering partner. If we need a practical solution or an engineer that will dream with us a bit and be creative: we call Sams/DeGough. They consistently deliver a high-quality product that garners regular praise from clients and contractors for being thorough and well-designed.”
— Derek Phillips, Architect/President of Deco Architects